Presentation of the projects ‘Green Transformation’ and ‘Reside/Sustain’
In the first part, Adele Kim, researcher and curator, will talk about the research project Reside/Sustain. The project focuses on various aspects of sustainable development and art residencies. The meeting will also announce a guide to sustainable practices in art residences in Russian, which will be the outcome of the project and will be presented next year
Project presentation
with Anastasia Patsey and Adele Kim
Thu., November 23
13:00 (MSK)
Participation: free of charge, please sign up in advance
There will also be a second guide - Anastasia Patsey, curator of ‘Green Transformation’ and member of the board of directors of the Pushkinskaya-10 Art Center, will talk about the guide that is being prepared as a result of the project. Its goal is to help colleagues from the field of culture and arts who want to make their activities more environmentally friendly, be it on the level of their own projects or on the scale of an entire institution, to take the first steps in this direction